And thus it begins…

Well, I’ve gone and done what I’ve told myself over and over again I’d never do: joined thousands of other writers in the blogosphere with every intention of spouting my deepest, most personal thoughts to people who really don’t care. (No need to get excited. My deepest, most personal thoughts are relatively mundane.)

“So why?” you ask. Good question. It’s not that I think I have a lot of important things to say or that I can express myself any better than the next writer. And it’s not a vanity thing for me – I don’t think. Despite the time and energy demands of my day job, I manage to write enough for local publications to satisfy my inner writer’s craving for readership.

I guess what it comes down to is, creating a blog is part of my ongoing ADHD-inspired effort to regularly try something I’ve never tried before. Last week it was rutabagas, today a blog… So I’m a thrill-seeker. What can I say?

And while I sincerely hope at least a few people will read and enjoy what I write, keeping a blog is also a self-centered attempt to keep myself writing and (hopefully) become a better writer as I go along. In the process, maybe – just maybe – I can entertain a bit, possibly inspire on occasion, and consistently provide content that won’t bore anyone to tears.

One more thing: Some blogging experts advise new bloggers to make a plan (I have none) and give readers information they can use (I’ll try, but that would require added effort on my part, and I’m basically a lazy person). So forgive me for my lack of total blogging commitment, but what you’ll find here is pretty much what you’ll get.

If you enjoy what I write (or even if you don’t), please let me know!


4 thoughts on “And thus it begins…

  1. Miss June,
    You are by far the most wonderful writer I met while I was in Alabama. I spent 5 years there and it was my pleasure and honor to get to know you through the Tribune. You remind me so much of one of my aunts who passed away in 2008. I am thrilled that you now have a blog and I can still get my dose of ‘June’ since I moved back to the Northeast. Keep on writing!

    1. Pammi, thank you SO MUCH for your nice comments. You’re always so encouraging, and I really appreciate it. I miss having you close by, but I know you’re happy to be back “up North.” I hope you’ll come back to visit one day but in the meantime, I’m sure glad we can keep in touch online. I need all the encouragement I can get!! 🙂

    1. Thanks, Jennifer, but I didn’t start it without some inspiration from you! And I haven’t forgotten about writing something for StrongMothers. In fact, I’ve got the perfect piece in my head. It’s just a matter of taking the time to get onto the computer screen!!!

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